- The Head Teacher
- 1 Local Authority Governor
- 1 Staff Governor
- 2 Parent Governors
- 4 Co-opted Governors
- Mr Alex Tracy (Chair)
- Mr Andrew Tanner (Vice-Chair)
- Mr Rob Meadows (Head Teacher)
- Miss Kelly Jordan (Co-Opted)
- Mrs Kiran Ikhlaq (Parent)
We aim to ensure that our Governing Body is representative of the community we serve and the wider Birmingham community. We support applications for Co-opted Governors irrespective of background. Due to the size of the Governing Body, we do not publish any more specific data regarding the diversity of the Governors as this may individually identify people which would breach GDPR guidelines.
Governance Statement 2024/2025

Mr Alex Tracy
Chair (Co-opted Governor)
In my day job I lead a team of training professionals around the world who deliver skills in IT, networks and communications. When you work in training and the delivery of skills it’s easy to see the value that a good strong educations delivers. I have always passionately believed that all children have the right to great education and that is why i became a school governor. I wanted to help positively influence, and be involved in, education and ensuring great outcomes. As my father was in the military my own education involved various schools across the UK and in Germany! I am also a school governor at a secondary school in Birmingham so am involved with schools from EYFS to Year 11. I want all children to be challenged, and enabled, so that they can reach their highest potential through the acquisition of skills delivered in a quality, friendly and supportive school environment. Date of appointment: Term renewed, appointed Chair 6th July 2021 Term of service : 4 years up to 29th January 2026 Responsibility : Chair of Governing Body, Vice-Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee, and Topic Register of interests : Business Interests - Co-Opted Governor at Wheelers Lane Technology College Connections to staff - None. Attendance Full Governing Body - 4 out of 4 2023/24, 2024/25 2 out of 2 to date.

Mr Andrew Tanner
LA Governor - ( Vice Chair)
I joined Sladefield’ s Governing Body back in 2007 as a Parent Governor; my eldest son was in Year 1 and was sent home with a letter inviting parents to apply to be parent Governors. I knew that schools had Governors but wasn’t sure what they did! As an engineer, I knew that a governor is a device that regulates the speed of an engine to make sure it operates within set limits and performs the best it can...so I asked. The role of a School Governor as part of the Governing Body is the same principle - to oversee the running of the school, to ensure its performing the best it can to the current education legislation. As a Governor, you are involved with approving the annual budgets, scrutinise the educational performance, make decisions on variety of things, from who is awarded school contracts, to should the school become a academy. This is what makes been a Governor a worthwhile and rewarding role and why I volunteered to become a Governor at Sladefield. Professionally, I work at the University of Birmingham as a Senior Electronics Engineer building bespoke equipment for PHD students to do their research. Personally, I am happily married with two grown up sons, and, in my spare time, I am involved with Scouts and also enjoy kayaking and amateur radio. Date of appointment: Term renewed, appointed Vice Chair 6th July 2021 Term of service : 4 years to 18 July 2025 Responsibility : Vice-Chair of Governors; Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee member; Health and Safety; Science Register of interests : Business Interests - None; Connections to staff - None ttendance 2023/24: Full Governing Body - 4 out of 4 Attendance 2024/25 to date: 2out of 2

Mr Rob Meadows
Staff Governor (Head Teacher)
Hello everyone I have been the Headteacher at Sladefield since January 2017, and have been a teacher and Senior Leader within the education system for almost 19 years (I know I don’t look old enough!!). During that time, I have been Inclusion Manager, led of each phase in a primary school (from EYFS to KS2), and been Assessment Co-ordinator, so I can honestly say that I have a breadth of knowledge and understanding when it comes to being an educator!! In every school I have taught in, I have been part of the Governing Body, and so I have plenty of experience of how meetings run, and the expectations that are in place for Governors. I am also a Governor at another Primary school, and so I have the opportunity to be on the ‘other end’ of governance. I am extremely proud to work at Sladefield and to be part of our aspirational community. It is a pleasure to work as part of a dedicated team striving to make Sladefield the best. I am also very proud to belong to a really strong Governing Body that is built up of a group of very committed and effective members. Over the last couple of years, we have worked hard together to make the Governing Body as effective as it is now. It is essential that the school has an effective Governing Body so that the school and its staff are held to account, and that an ‘external eye’ is there. Date of appointment: 1st January 2017 Term of service : Head Teacher Responsibility : Head Teacher Register of interests : Business Interests - None Connections to staff - None Attendance 2023/24 : Full Governing Body - 4 out of 4 Attendance 2024/25 to date: 2 out of 2

Mrs Nicola Connolly
Staff Governor (Deputy Head Teacher)
Hello, I am the Deputy Head Teacher and Staff Governor here at Sladefield, and I began working here in April 2016. I have been part of the Governing Body in some form or other during the time I have been at Sladefield. I have been teaching for over 20 years, predominantly in Key Stage 1 and Early Years. I have been a PE co-ordinator, Computing co-ordinator, and PHSE leader. I love my job and feel very privileged to work here at Sladefield, which is a wonderful school. My specialism in teaching would probably be teaching Reading and Phonics; this is an area I am passionate about, and I have extensive knowledge and experience in this area. In my ' real life' I am married with 2 children and also have a grandson who keeps me on my toes outside of school. I love spending time with my family and friends, travelling and going to the theatre. I am a 'techno geek' who enjoys learning and using new technology. Date of appointment: 24th January 2022 Term of service : 4 years till 24th January 2026 Responsibility: Inclusion & EYFS. Register of interests : Business Interests - None Connections to staff - None Attendance:2023/24 4 out of 4 Attendance 2024/25 to date 2out of 2

Mr Hanif Ur-Rehman
Co-opted Governor
I have had the pleasure of working at Sladefield Infant School since April 2016. I am currently seconded to work for the Eastwards Consortium leading on a 4-year project, although I am still officially a member of Sladefield staff. I took on the role of the school governor as I feel that I am approachable member of staff that values the opinions of my colleagues. I am also fortunate that my son attended this school, and by being a school governor, it allows me to continue to support the school even though he has left. In my free time (when I have any!), I enjoy spending time with my family, reading books and taking part in my favourite sport, Thai boxing. Date of appointment: 18th January 2022 Term of service: 4 years till January 26 Responsibility: Safeguarding & English Register of interests: None Attendance 2023/24: 4 out of 4 Attendance 2024/25 to date: 2 out of 2

Rev Ruth Donegan-Cross
Co-opted Governor
I moved from Yorkshire to Birmingham in August 2020 to take up the post of Vicar of Christ Church with St Margaret’s, and Sladefield is geographically situated right in the centre of the parish I serve. It is therefore a great joy and privilege to have been appointed as a Governor. I am fully committed to the value of creating the best possible environment for children to thrive and learn- Sladefield is clearly a wonderful vibrant school at the heart of the community. As well as leading the congregations at both churches, my work as Vicar involves serving the whole parish, and I am looking forward to making connections with pupils, staff and parents at Sladefield. Prior to ordination, I worked as chaplain of a 2-18 school for several years, and in my last parish my work involved a great deal of contact with the local schools. I am married to Guy, and mother to four young adult children. In my spare time, I love cooking and reading novels. Date of appointment: 12th January 2021 Term of service: 4 years till January 25 Responsibility: Behavior and RE &PHSE Register of interests: None Attendance 2023/24: 4 out of 4 Attendance 2024/25 to date 2 out of 2

Miss Kelly Jordan
Co-opted Governor
Date appointed: Term of service : 4 years to Responsibility : Pupil Premium and Maths Register of interests : Business Interests - None Connections to staff - None Attendance 2023/24 to date: 4 out 4 Attendance 2024/25 2 out of 2 to date

Mr Mohammed Ali
Parent Governor
I joined the governing body at Sladefield Infant school in order to take a more active role in the education of my two children and also with the hope that I can contribute to the well-being and development of all children at the school. I have always been a firm believer that parental involvement and strong community links have been key to ensuring academic success. My professional background is also in education and I currently am the Head of History at a large secondary school and sixth form in Sandwell. Date appointed: 6th October 2021 Term of service : 4 years to 6th October 2025 Responsibility : Attendance and ICT. Register of interests : Business Interests - None Connections to staff - None Attendance :2023/24 : 3 out of 4 Attendance 2024/25 to date: 0 out of 2

Mrs Kiran Ikhlaq
Parent Governor
Hello everyone, I have nominated myself to be a Parent Governor at Sladefield for 2 reasons. Firstly, I want to take more of an active role in my child's learning. Secondly, I want to support the school in ensuring children get the best outcomes through education as I am very passionate about schools providing a range of opportunities for children and families in the community to access. In my everyday job I am a Regional Manager of 3 Early Years settings and work closely with my managers and parents to ensure we have positive outcomes for the children. I have been doing this for 6 years now. Previously, I have been a registered Care Home Manager for children in the care system. I have a number of years experience being part of the management team and working closely with different multi-agency teams. I look forward to expanding this with the Sladefield Governing Body and sharing my ideas with my Governor colleagues. Outside of work I am kept very busy with both my children who are very active and love to keep me on my toes!! Date appointed: 21st November 2023 Term of service : 4 years to 21st November 2027 Responsibility : Pupil Premium and Sports Premium. Register of interests : Business Interests - None Connections to staff - None Attendance :2023/24: New Governor 1st Meeting January 2024. 2024/25 1 out of 2