All staff, including supply staff, regular visitors and volunteers, are subject to an enhanced DBS check. This ensures that we are reassured that these people are suitable to work with children.
Identity badges are worn by all staff, and all visitors are required to sign in at Reception and are provided with a visitor's badge which must be visible at all times.
Please have a look at our information leaflet for visitors and members of the school community. Please read this thoroughly before entering the school.
We also have high expectations of behaviour for everyone on the school site. As such, we have produced a Code of Conduct for Visitors that outlines our expectations. Please feel free to read this before you visit the school if you are not sure whether your actions on the school site may not be appropriate.
Should visitors have any safeguarding concerns, they should immediately report these to one of the DSLs so it can be recorded on our electronic recording system (CPOMS). If the concern is about the Head Teacher, then this concern should be addressed to the Chair of Governors, Mr Alex Tracy.