Be happy, be healthy, be safe, always do your best!
Be happy, be healthy, be safe, always do your best!
Sladefield Infant School

Inclusion at Sladefield

At Sladefield, we value every one of our pupils and they are all important and included members of our school family. The first school years are so important, and we have a big responsibility to make sure that our children develop a love of learning, and that they feel safe and happy at school. To achieve this, we make sure that support is given to the child as a whole, ensuring that their emotional and physical needs are met, which will then allow them to achieve academically.   

Mrs Donohue is the Inclusion Manager at Sladefield and oversees and supports all staff working with our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Medical Needs and English as an Additional Language (EAL).    In terms of stages of SEND, those children who are included on the SEND register are staged at either 'SEN Support' level, or those who have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) written for them.  

Currently, 9% of pupils at Sladefield are identified at 'SEN Support' level, whilst a further 2% have an EHCP; this is slightly below the National figures.  

In terms of support, we have developed the skills of the classroom staff to be able to support children through a differentiated approach, so that the majority of the children at 'SEN Support' level are successfully supported with their learning within their daily provision.  However, we also provide specialised support, through small group target groups, in each Year Group, to enhance this provision, and to really focus upon the pupils' personal targets.  

Our children with EHCP often have such significant SEND that, once the EHCP is agreed, they are identified as requiring a Special School. Due to the young age of our pupils, we do have to focus on  teaching them social skills, personal care skills and improving their attention, speaking and listening. These are all skills that require specific time and attention and usually 1:1 or very small group support. Due to their complex needs, we are having to completely redesign their school day, and they are following an individualised curriculum that is personal to them. This does require a significant amount of 1:1 support and careful planning and timetabling.   In terms of children with Medical Needs, we have good links with the School Nursing Team provided by the Local Authority. 

When a child has a specific medical need which may lead to the school making adaptations to their provision, the Inclusion Manager, as well as the Head Teacher and/or Deputy Head Teacher, would work alongside the School Nursing Team, along with other relevant Outside Agents, in order to create a Care Plan, as well as any relevant training for staff, enabling the child to attend school safely.   

If any parents/carers would like to complain about the support being provided by the school for a pupil/pupils with SEND, they should make contact with Mrs Donohue or Mr Meadows; complaints will be handled with sensitivity in line with the school's Complaints Procedure.  A copy of the school's Complaints Procedure can be located in the 'Policies' section of this website (within the 'Statutory Information' tab).  

If you need help or support with any of the above areas, please contact Mrs Donohue via your child's class teacher or the school Office.