Mr R Meadows
Head Teacher
Likes: Spending time with my friends; going to the cinema; winning at the pub quiz!
Dislikes: Being cold!
Claim to Fame: I was once in the Guinness Book of World Records for tap-dancing (but don't ask me to show you my dancing now!!)

Mrs N Connolly
Deputy Head Teacher
Likes: Spending time with my family and friends
Dislikes: Sand on my feet
Claim to Fame: I was in the film Clockwise with John Cleese.

Mrs L Donohue
Inclusion Manager
Lead DSL
Likes: Sunshine and being outside in the fresh air; playing board games with my family; CHOCOLATE!
Dislikes: People who are unkind; wasps.
Claim to fame: No claim to fame yet but hopefully one day I will win Strictly Come Dancing!