We will be holding Open Days for prospective parents on the following days in the Autumn Term: Monday 30th September, Wednesday 23rd October, Thursday 21st November, Tuesday 10th December. Please call (0121 327 0662) or email (enquiry@slfield.bham.sch.uk) the school to book an appointment time.  

Administration and Other Support Staff

Mrs H Mallard

School Business Manager

Likes: Food, walking my dogs, spin classes, and company of friends and family.
Dislikes: Cold weather
Claim to Fame: None currently! - but will add to my bucket list

Mrs A McCormack

Office Manager

Likes:Being by the sea
Dislikes: Dark mornings.
Claim to fame: I was in both the Tufty Club & the Tingha & Tucker Club

Mrs G Sami

School Secretary

Mrs Farzana Aslam

Attendance Clerk

Mr D Rollason

ICT Manager