We will be holding Open Days for prospective parents on the following days in the Autumn Term: Monday 30th September, Wednesday 23rd October, Thursday 21st November, Tuesday 10th December. Please call (0121 327 0662) or email (enquiry@slfield.bham.sch.uk) the school to book an appointment time.  


Internet safety is always high on the agenda at Sladefield Infant School. We have extensive security measures in place, which are constantly monitored both internally and externally, to prevent our pupils from coming into any potential danger or accessing unsuitable material. We put measures in place by having policies and security provisions which safeguard pupils against unsuitable sites and content. These measures are clearly outlined in these policies; Safeguarding Policy, E-Safety Policy, Social Media Policy, which give all stakeholders a guide to aid proper use of technology. These policies can be found below for you to read and learn how we keep children safe and how you can support us with this at home.

E-safety is taught to all pupils not only during computing lessons but at any appropriate point when pupils are using technology, and it also now features in the PHSE curriculum. In addition to this, staff are required to undertake e-safety training to update their knowledge on a regular basis. 

Parents can visit a wide range of websites to support them: one particularly good site, which provides a range of excellent parents guides, is the National Online Safety  website below you can find a number of their parental guides.  

Internet Safety

We teach our children to be careful when using the internet. We encourage them to remember to make good choices when using computers and other devices in order to keep themselves safe online.

Useful websites for advice and support.

  • If you want to find out more about the apps children are using the NSPCC has a fabulous guide with details about Instagram, Facebook Snapchat, and YouTube and many more: Net Aware Org
  • If you want to set parental controls on any of the internet connected devices you own, have a look at Parent Controls 
  • Not sure about the age ratings on a game? Everything you need is here: Pegi information 
  • Worried about grooming or Child Sexual Exploitation? CEOP have a great educational site with a section for parents which includes some child friendly videos to share with your family: Think U Know 
  • The UK Safer Internet Centre has lots of helpful advice too, they are here: Safer Internet
  • Classroom resources linked to the new Computing Curriculum Digital Literacy Organisation 
  • For Childnet's resources-including the free Facebook flyers (and twitter and snapchat guides), look here: Child Net
  •  Get expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly, here is a good guide for the age group 0-5: Internet Matters
  • Please talk to any teacher if you would like further help or advice
Parents should read and use the Online Safety Guide to help them speak to their children about staying safe whilst using the internet and then we can all work together to keep our children safe. 
CEOP is an asset of the National Crime Agency’s Command. The Command works to protect children from the harm of sexual abuse and exploitation both online and offline. Press the link above to report any concerns.
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