We will be holding Open Days for prospective parents on the following days in the Autumn Term: Monday 30th September, Wednesday 23rd October, Thursday 21st November, Tuesday 10th December. Please call (0121 327 0662) or email (enquiry@slfield.bham.sch.uk) the school to book an appointment time.  

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a new initiative in Birmingham that is aimed at ensuring that all agencies are working together in order to support a child who has been affected by domestic abuse.
This will see the Police making contact with identified key staff at the school on the morning after a domestic abuse incident has taken place where a child at the school may have been a witness of, involved in, or included members of their family.
This contact will be made BEFORE school, enabling staff at the school the time to ensure that they can best support the child when they enter school in the morning.
If you are interested in finding out more, please visit... Home : Operation Encompass