We will be holding Open Days for prospective parents on the following days in the Autumn Term: Monday 30th September, Wednesday 23rd October, Thursday 21st November, Tuesday 10th December. Please call (0121 327 0662) or email (enquiry@slfield.bham.sch.uk) the school to book an appointment time.  

Pastoral Team

Everyone needs a little extra help from time to time and that is what our Pastoral Support is there for. We know that asking for help can be difficult but we will always support you with discretion and without judgement. 
Any parent/carer or child can ask for help for any reason. 
Our Pastoral Support could include:-
  • Supporting children to build up resilience to enable them to cope with new or challenging situations. 
  • help to build confidence and raise self esteem.
  • Support with friendships or social skills. 
  • Supporting parents with behaviour at home, finances or their own wellbeing.
  • Working with, or signposting to, other agencies that can offer specialist advice and support. 
Simply being there to listen to any worries you or your child may have.
These are just a few examples of the work we do with our children and families.
Please contact Ms Spears, our Learning Mentor, via your child's class teacher, the school office, or find her in the playground before school.
She will be happy to help you. 
Miss S Spears

Learning Mentor

Deputy DSL
Likes Spending quality time with my family and friends.
Dislikes Sprouts and Cabbage on my cooked dinner.
Fame I used to dance with Toyah Willcox in Newtown Community Centre in Aston

Mrs Y Ali

Family Support Worker

Deputy DSL
Likes: traveling and discovering new places.
Dislikes: avocados because I'm allergic to them.
Claim to fame: I jumped out of a plane for charity work.