We will be holding Open Days for prospective parents on the following days in the Autumn Term: Monday 30th September, Wednesday 23rd October, Thursday 21st November, Tuesday 10th December. Please call (0121 327 0662) or email (enquiry@slfield.bham.sch.uk) the school to book an appointment time.  

Designated Safeguarding Leads

If you have ANY concerns about the safety or welfare of child, you MUST contact one of the school's DSLs listed below IMMEDIATELY.

Even if the school is closed, it is really important that you let us know about these concerns because WE WILL ACT ON THEM.
At Sladefield Infant School we take our Safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. This means we ensure that everyone working in our school has successfully completed the necessary clearances to enable them to work with children.
This also means that we have staff members who are specifically trained to deal with safeguarding issues. There is always a trained member of staff on the school premises to deal with any safeguarding concerns that may arise.
It may be helpful for parents to know that the Local Authority requires Head Teachers to report any obvious or suspected case of child abuse which includes non-accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse. This procedure is intended to protect children at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that, where there are grounds for suspicion, it is better to be safe than sorry. This does mean that Head Teachers risk upsetting some parents/carers by reporting a case, which on investigation proves unfounded. In such circumstances, it is hoped that parents/carers, appreciating how difficult it is for Head Teachers to carry out this delicate responsibility, would accept that the Head Teacher was acting in what were believed to be the child’s best interests.
The Safeguarding Team are:
Mrs L Donohue

Inclusion Manager

Lead DSL
Likes: Sunshine and being outside in the fresh air, playing board games with my family, CHOCOLATE!
Dislikes: People who are unkind, wasps.
Claim to fame: No claim to fame yet but hopefully one day I will win Strictly Come Dancing!

Mrs N Connolly

Deputy Head Teacher

Deputy DSL
Likes: Spending time with my family and friends, travelling and eating good food.
Dislikes: Sand on my feet, spiders and horror films!
Claim to Fame: I was in the film Clockwise with John Cleese.

Mr R Meadows

Head Teacher

Deputy DSL
Likes: Cycling successfully on my bike; spending time with my friends; going to the cinema
Dislikes: Falling off my bike(!); being cold
Claim to Fame: I was once in the Guinness Book of World Records for tap-dancing (but don't ask me to show you my dancing now!!)

Ms S Spears

Learning Mentor

Deputy DSL
Likes: Spending quality time with my family and friends.
Dislikes: Sprouts and Cabbage on my cooked dinner.
Claim to fame: I used to dance with Toyah Willcox in Newtown Community Centre in Aston

Mrs Y Ali

Family Support Worker

Deputy DSL
Likes: traveling and discovering new places.
Dislikes: avocados because I'm allergic to them.
Claim to fame: I jumped out of a plane for charity work.